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Wybo is a sociologist and PhD/DPhil student at the Oxford Internet Institute.

He studies online social behaviour. Especially: How social media affect protest movements such as the Arab Spring and Occupy Wallstreet. More...

Also: MSc in Social Science of the Internet, MA in Digital Humanities (distinction), 3 BAs (firsts/cum laude) in History, Philosophy of Information Science and Information Science

Papers feed

Filled Pauses as Evidence of L2 Proficiency:

Finnish Australians Speaking English

(There is a later paper on this)

e paper discusses the application of the technique described here to detect the linguistic sources of the syntactic variation between two groups, the ‘Adults’, who had received their school education in Finland, and the ‘Juveniles’, who were educated in Australia.

The main – and perhaps expected – finding was that second language learners pause more often.

Also see this paper for more details.